
Terms and Privacy


Terms of Service

Privacy Policy

Service Level Agreement

Trademark Policy

What is a APIGIT trademark policy violation?

Using a company or business name, logo, or other trademark-protected materials in a manner that may mislead or confuse others with regard to its brand or business affiliation may be considered a trademark policy violation.

What is not a APIGIT trademark policy violation?

Using another's trademark in a way that has nothing to do with the product or service for which the trademark was granted is not a trademark policy violation. APIGIT user names are available on a first come, first served basis and may not be reserved. A APIGIT account with a username that happens to be the same as a registered trademark is not, by itself, necessarily a violation of our trademark policy.

How does APIGIT respond to reported trademark policy violations?

When we receive reports of trademark policy violations from holders of federal or international trademark registrations, we review the account and may take the following actions:

When there is a clear intent to mislead others through the unauthorized use of a trademark, APIGIT will suspend the account and notify the account holder.

When we determine that an account appears to be confusing users, but is not purposefully passing itself off as the trademarked good or service, we give the account holder an opportunity to clear up any potential confusion. We may also release a username for the trademark holder's active use.

How do I report a trademark policy violation?

Holders of registered trademarks can report possible trademark policy violations to APIGIT via Please submit trademark-related requests using your company email address and include all the information requested below to help expedite our response. Also be sure to clearly describe to us why the account may cause confusion with your mark or how the account may dilute or tarnish your mark.