API Testing
Pet Store example

Petstore Example

Pestore is an example test case that execute following test actions in sequence:

  1. initialization
  2. List all pets in store
  3. adding a new pet to the store
  4. find pets by status
  5. find pets by ID
  6. update apet in the store with form data
  7. delete a pet
  8. check the deleted pet is actually deleted.

All above test actions could be defined through our form based Test Action editor. The test case is finally saved as as JSON data in API repository.

Here is the test case saved in API repository:

		"type": "code",
		"description": "initialization",
		"parameters": {
			"code": "var baseUrl = env.get(\"baseUrl\");\nif (baseUrl == null) {\n    state.baseUrl = \"http://petstore.mock.apigit.com\";\n    //env.set(\"baseUrl\", \"http://petstore.mock.apigit.com\")\n}\n"
		"type": "http",
		"description": "list all pets in store",
		"parameters": {
			"method": "get",
			"url": "{baseUrl}/pet",
			"query": [],
			"auth": {
				"type": "none"
			"header": [],
			"body": {
				"type": "none",
				"data": ""
			"postTest": "if (!res || res.status !== 200) {\n\tfail(\"status is not 200\");\n\treturn;\n}\n"
		"type": "http",
		"description": "add a new pet to the store",
		"parameters": {
			"method": "post",
			"url": "{baseUrl}/pet",
			"query": [],
			"auth": {
				"type": "none"
			"header": [
					"name": "content-type",
					"value": "application/json",
					"enabled": true
			"body": {
				"type": "application/json",
				"data": "{\n  \"id\": 10,\n  \"name\": \"doggie\",\n  \"category\": {\n    \"id\": 1,\n    \"name\": \"Dogs\"\n  },\n  \"photoUrls\": [\n    \"string\"\n  ],\n  \"tags\": [\n    {\n      \"id\": 0,\n      \"name\": \"string\"\n    }\n  ],\n  \"status\": \"available\"\n}"
			"postTest": "if (!res || res.status !== 200) {\n    fail(\"add pet to store failed\")\n    return\n}\n\nvar body = res.data;\n\n// save petId to varible\nstate.petId = body.id;\n"
		"type": "http",
		"description": "find pets by status",
		"parameters": {
			"method": "get",
			"url": "{baseUrl}/pet/findbystatus",
			"query": [
					"name": "status",
					"value": "available",
					"enabled": true
			"auth": {
				"type": "none"
			"header": [],
			"body": {
				"type": "none",
				"data": ""
			"postTest": "if (!res || res.status !== 200) {\n    fail(\"get pet by status failed\")\n}"
		"type": "http",
		"description": "find pet by ID",
		"parameters": {
			"method": "get",
			"url": "{baseUrl}/pet/{petId}",
			"query": [],
			"auth": {
				"type": "none"
			"header": [],
			"body": {
				"type": "none",
				"data": ""
			"postTest": "if (!res || res.status !== 200) {\n    fail(\"get pet by petId failed\")\n}"
		"type": "http",
		"description": "update a pet in the store with form data",
		"parameters": {
			"method": "post",
			"url": "{baseUrl}/pet/{petId}",
			"query": [
					"name": "name",
					"value": "hello",
					"enabled": true
					"name": "status",
					"value": "sold",
					"enabled": true
			"auth": {
				"type": "none"
			"header": [],
			"body": {
				"type": "none",
				"data": ""
			"postTest": "if (!res || res.status !== 200) {\n    fail(\"update pet by ID failed\")\n}"
		"type": "http",
		"description": "delete a pet",
		"parameters": {
			"method": "delete",
			"url": "{baseUrl}/pet/{petId}",
			"query": [],
			"auth": {
				"type": "none"
			"header": [],
			"body": {
				"type": "none",
				"data": ""
			"postTest": "if (!res || res.status !== 200) {\n    fail(\"delete pet by ID failed\");\n}"
		"type": "http",
		"description": "find pet by ID",
		"parameters": {
			"method": "get",
			"url": "{baseUrl}/pet/{petId}",
			"query": [],
			"auth": {
				"type": "none"
			"header": [],
			"body": {
				"type": "none",
				"data": ""
			"postTest": "if (!res || res.status !== 404) {\n    fail(\"get deleted pet test failed\");\n}"